New Degree Students Registration Notice (Academic Year 2024)

Program: Ph.D. Program of Interdisciplinary Medicine

Date: July 1 – 5 and July 8 – 11, 2024

Time: 9:00 am – 12:00 pm, 14:00 pm – 17:00 pm

Place: Rm. 302, Shouren Building., Yang Ming Campus

Required Documents for Graduate:

❶ Notarized diploma (original and copy)
(If this document has not been able to authenticate, please fill out the Affidavit form.)
❷ National Identification Card

Affidavit form download path: [Students Area] > [Download] > In Classification choose [Admission]

Required Documents for Equivalent Education Level:

❶ Notarized transcript (original and copy)
❷ National Identification Card


The student ID will be notified separately after completing the registration. Please log in to NYCU New Students System to fill out the basic information. The student ID card will be issued only after the completion of the information filling.

※In case of any discrepancies or inconsistencies between the NYCU and PIM versions of this announcement, the NYCU version shall prevail.